this letter was due to the owners of Prestige Grooming Academy's request as legal action will be taken if no apology action taken on my side.
Monday, July 28, 2008
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Adel: Got it from (:
Felicia: Then when can we go together?! Hshahaha i don't think your mum is gonna stop nagging anytime sooooon!
Jess: Dua neh neh your head! Swimmmmmming! I want! Friday?
Yvette: Hahahahs, Phew! Heng my mum is never at home in the afternoon! Lol. I'm using biore's oil makeup remover. (: Was using Kose's previously, but switch to this, but seriously, no difference, works just as well! Hahahas.
Elizabeth: Hahahahs, i've no idea what's the shop's name! Anyway, you're very pretty! Hahahahs, my voice is like a kiddie~
Amy: Okay~
Bao: Wahh, console 100 only? It's damn cheaaaaaap. Aww man, does he sell sony cameras too? Hahahhas, i hate hair ad shoots. Wait and wait and wait more only, bore the hell out of meee!
Joanna: Hahahas, you should do one with your bf too!
Doreen: Eh, what is she doign with my photos? The girl who used my photos on her friendster? Think last time i msged her on friendster, But aiyah, i also can't do anything! ): Thanks for telling me thou!
Cerlyn: Hahahas, thank babe! I had long hair like 2 years plus ago?
Diii: Thanks babe, you're so sweet! :D
Qing: Hehehe, too bad ah, You slowly waaaaait! Hahahahahs.
Bao: Hahahas, i think i read on it on peggy's blog already! Damn gross eh. Slice people's clits and boobs and anus to eat, Stir fry it somemore! Hahahah, wtf.
Shanee: Thanks babe! Yeah i love her eyes tooooo! Like puppy eyes!
Farmer: Hahahahs, how come your nick is FARMER! So cute lah you. Thanks for your compliment! :D Hahahahs, what school are you from?
Passerby: Hahaha since when did i look good in school? :x You're from mdis too? Hahahahs.
Sharon: Different sizes got different pricing eh! Go there check it out! Got so many colours until i had a hard time choosing loh~
Shasha: Whatever. (:
Juli:Hahahas, thanks! But having my name is pretty frustrating as well! Like when people ask for my name, i gotta repeat like 3, 4 times before they get it!
And like teachers, sometimes they will anyhow call! Become what "fiddles" "fi-di-lis". All the stupid stupid thingy luh :x
Passerby: It's ok ok lah, cos i'm born with eye bags already, So at most it helped abit with my eyebags only, but it's very hydrating. (: I think it's around 4 pounds? around 12-13bucks without shipping?
Anon6878: Hahahas, thanks!
Anon2215: Hahahahs, if i'm going out i won't apply, come home at night then apply loh, Can go to bed with that. (:
Sher: Yes! Finally! I have to quickly finish my stupid project then can faster get my cert already! Don't even know why must do that stupid project loh!
Issacluvhisarse: Helloooooo you back! Hahahahs
Siewyin: Yes finaaaaally! Hahaha, maybe can start doing abit of freelancing grooming already~
How come so many people are so curious about how i look with long hair?!
Hahahas, fyi, I've had long hair all my life and i chopped it off 2 years ago and i never wanna have long hair again!
Maybe just for now lah, Maybe when i'm older i'll go for long hair, but for now, i love my short tresses~!
These photos are reaaaaally old man. I look funny.
Oooooomg, can't believe i'm showing you guys this. This is like, 3 years ago.
i don't think i'm even wearing any eyeliner?! I look so different! My eyes are like rounder last time lah. tmd, now my eyes become like longer? wtf. Omg gross.
2.5 years ago.
I think i look VERY different with long hair. And i so don't like it!
With Esther, last sunday? Or last last sunday? My memory is failing me.
After buying my crystals, had esther's group shoot with another model, xiaoting at a studio at arab street.
Went to vivocity for dinner and movie with Jessica, Chris and hendra. I was late and by the time i reach, She already spent 200 bucks at Forever 21!
Had dinner at Secret Recipe, And jessica was like entertaining us all with lame jokes/riddles. Love the monkey dig boogie riddle best. Hahahahs. dig boogie. Ewwww.
Watched Dark Knight, walao, frigging 3 hours movie, Sit until my arse cramp already! But it was freaking awesome!
Love the part where the joker was in the nurse uniform. I laughed like heeeeell!
After the movie, Chris sent me and Jess home. Home sweet hoooooome~
I'm being extremely random. I hate all the blemishes on my chin! @#$%^&
Accompanied grandma to the hospital for her check up yesterday, Then we went shopping at town, She bought me new curtains, new bedsheets and quilt covers, nails polishes from Ettusais, MAC eye primer. Random stuff.
Super cute lah, It's damn tinnnnny~
Boyf blinged his phone toooooo!
Packed my makeup again and added the rack. My room is like constantly messy lah! I have like too much things EVERYWHERE. Too much skincare that i buy and don't actually use, Too much makeup that i buy that i don't use too.
I know! So waste money! All the guys reading will be like shaking their heads now. Eh.. but at least i'm spending my own $$$ and not my boyf's or anything lah!
And i'm finally done with my wall mural! Mummy helped me to sketched it on my wall and i painted it all in like, 3 hours?
... I know! Strawberry shortcake! Took it after i just woke up, so my bed is so so so messy!
The paint is the wrong colour. ): The brown i wanted was like abit darker and warmer, This one looks like some LAO SAI colour! But oh wells, i love it still!
Just ordered OPI's Calender Girl, China Glaze first and last.
Waiting for photos from esther from the other daaaaay! I wanna go bath for my peanut and nutella and groom them already~ Their fur is so so so long and messy now!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I never loved nobody fully Always one foot on the ground And by protectingmy heart truly I got lost in the Sounds I hear it in my mind All these voices I hear in my mind all these words I hear in my mind all this music And it breaks my heart And it breaks my heart And it breaks my heart It breaks my heart And suppose I never ever met you Suppose we never fell in love Suppose i never ever let you kiss me so sweet and so soft Suppose I never ever saw you Suppose we never ever called Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall
Just to break my fall, Just to break my fall break my fall, break my fall. All my friends say that of course it's gonna get better Gonna get better, betterbetter better better better better better.
I never love nobody fully Always one foot on the ground And by protecting my heart truly I got lost in the sounds I hear in my mind, All these voices. I hear in my mind, All these words. I hear in my mind, All these music. And it breaks my hear, It breaks my heart. I hear in my mind, All of these voices. I hear in my mind, All of these words. I hear in my mind, All of these music. Breaks my heart, Breaks my heart.
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Hello: Erm, Just normal Vit E from GNC luh? I didn't know there were many types of Vit E from GNC?
Yvette: Hahahahs, American hour! Wth! Then i'm really lucky, cos by the time i wake up, Nobody's at home to nag at me! Hahahahs, yah, I'm not used to eating breakfast already :x
Dawn: Awww! You're so sweeeet! Hahahahs
New reader: Hahahas, thank you babe!
Bao: Hahahahs omg, I didn't know! Really? With the modification also? Why he sell so cheap?! LOL
Eileen: Hahahas, regular reader! How cool! Yeah i have that, but haven't play hahahas, I'm playing this Teenage Zombie nds game now. Very fun leh! One of the zombies eat brains to get more health! LOL!
Amy: Omg, My memory not so bad lah! Hahahahas, We did a shoot tgt leh my dear girl!
Melody: Hahahas, wahh seh, Question and answer session? I use GIMP2 because i don've photoshop! Eh, handphone camera and Casio Exilim digicam? Hmmm, i started out from doing a hair ad! Hahahas, hougang secondary, i was in express. Will be leon and my 4th year anniversary this coming sept. And my height is 158cm, weight is 48kg.
Hello: Hahahahs, you look damn familiar. Are you the one i accidentally bumped into when you were trying out clothes then you gave me this super shocked expression? Hahahahas.
I was trying to think if i actually know you cos i've got really bad memory lah!
Sharon: Hahahas, yah, super bling! I bought it from Arab street. :D
Kalencia: Thanks babe, is that your real name? Super unique! Anyway, for concealer i think Bobbi Brown is good, ZA one is surprisingly good for it's price as well!
Nadnut: Hehehe, thanks babe!
Anon7285: Eh, how to get to arab street? My boyf drives me there? Hahahahas! If you know where haji lane is, you'll know how to go arab street~ Anon5500: No need to wash away the Vit E, Just leave it there. (:
Sher: Hahahas, KAO! Yes i did! Hahahahas, how to give makeup lesson! I only can do makeup for myself lah please! Hahahahs. Anon1927: Nobody's perfect. You like bony, stick figured girls, That's really your problem, I don't have to care about your opinion and even change myself to please your eyes.
I went out with Esther yesterday, and sweetie jessica joined us after that, Didn't shop at all loh! @#$%^& Shall blog about it when i get the pictures from esther. Hahahas camwhored like crazy thou.
Shirley came to Far east to meet me at like 7plus. I missed her so much!
The last time i saw her was like my birthday at zouk loh. ): I miss you tooooo, Felicia Goh! When are we like meeting up again?
Anyway, Shirley came and joined me, Jessica & boyf, Esther & boyf for dinner at Gelare! We had pasta and i kept bugging jessica, pouting and saying that i want ice creeeeeam!
I love the Blueberry/Strawberry cheesecake ice cream! But i hate the cone, so sucks loh. NUA NUA ONE! Pouts.
Then Leonard and Coconut came to join us toooooo. Hahahahas, i dunno why is he called coconut, but it was like after 3-4 hours then i realized i didn't even know his real name. LOL.
Anyways, we took a cab to Zouk and the queue was like daaaamn long already lah.
She looks so sweet with bangs! Feels very korean-y, don't you think so?
I know my bangs are like so long already! But Raymond, my stylist, he was like, "keep abit longer abit longer! Then can change your fringe style mar~"
Walao, taking this picture was like, soooo hard can. The both guys are like busy trying to kajiao us and keep blocking our camera with their "twist" signs. Damn bugger lor! Cannot even take one picture in peace! LOL!
See, Once they're gone to get our drinks, we can finally camwhore in peaaaaace! Very booooored..
Shirley says she love this picture cos it's as if she's eating the "fidelis burger!"
Had some Bourbon Coke and Vodka Orange~
Down to the danceflooooor, Eh. Whoever told me MamboJumbo night is like the must go?! I think it'll be fun if you actually know the songs, but, too retro already lah! It's like not so not my era!
Shirley and i was like.. erm.. sian..
This two ah! Cannot take a single nice nice picture one luh!
We were damn sway lah, This damn tall guy (think he's abit drunk already) He spilled his drink my my shoulder and back. -.- And then this jug of liquor fell and splashed on Shirley and me. WALAO!
After like 2 jugs of bourbon coke & Vodka Orange, one graveyard. Leonard's damn drunk already lah!
HAHAAHAH! Damn claaaaassic.
So sad lah, we couldn't get to phuture for cos it was full house already. Blah, we got bored and boyf came to Zouk and sent us home! Awwww, so sweet.
Dog Grooming exam tomorrow. Sigh, I'm feeling stresseeeeeed! I haven't groomed a dog for months, how to take exam? ): Pray for meeeeeee!
Must watch this! It's so freaking freaking funny! Laughed like crazy, hahahahas.
Part one:
Part two:
Part three:
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Sher: Hhahahas, classmate? As in me in the japanese uniform is it! Hahahahahas.
-: Hahahahs, yeah i know! How hard is acting cute and making twist signs right?!
Min: Ooooh. aiyah! Confirm will patch one lah! Like me and leon last time like that. Break patch break patch :x Hahahahas, thank you babe!
Anon9197: Hahahas, where am i suppose to be?
Anon1569: Pull & Bear. (:
Lisa: And why are you so interested?
Yvette: Super cool name can! :D
Jojo: Awwww, you make me shy lah!
Purple: For pimple scar, Buy Vitamin E from GNC, poke a hole and squeeze the oil and apply directly on your scar. Work wonders. (: My complexion is not super good! Look belooooow. :D
Zoe: Hello there babe.
Valerie: Hey babe, Got it from
(:: hey, I'm using Stila smudge pot.
Mandylek: Hello pretty! Haahahas, yah lah! Walao, damn big. I want that bathtub too. Hahahahahs
Germ: hahahas, of cos enjoying luh, so fun! :D Hahahahs yeah, the japanese uniform is really something different!
Yvette: Hahahas, cos on normal days i also sleep at like 4-5am then i sleep till 12plus. :x So i think i'm really used to it already! Hahahahas If you ask me to sleep at 11pm nowadays. I'll dieeeeee!
Bao: Hahahahs, Awwww, Thanks babe! you're on my msn list meh?! He bought it for S$250 with EGDE card without memory card cos he have already!
Lyne: I love boooooth! Hahahahas
Hello Neko: Oh, it's alright then! But pleeeeease ask them to not use like big fonts and stuff. Thanks alot babe!
Anon: Modelling, Events. But i'm still studying full time so yah. Hahahas.
Reader: Hahahas, nope i don't~ Don't know how to use and i don't even own a single bronzer!
Gaaaaaaawd, do you guys even know what's plus size models? Plus size models are like UK size 12 and above. Do i look like a UK 12 to any of you? Hahahahahs. I'm like a UK 8, so that means all over singapore all the girls that are UK 8 are all plus size models is it? -.-"
Anyway, somebody asked what's my current skincare regime. My skin is like more to combi/oily type. And kinda sensitive i guess, cos if i use alot of products, My skin will totally break out. So i try to minimize the no. of products i use! I don't even use like toner and moisturiser..
I only use this three products! Red wine essence, eye gel & lipbalm that's all. And oh, i use SilkPro Clarifying Cleanser. Easily available in Watsons!
But the rest of my products i use can only be found online. I just received my new Aqua Glycolic Toner which is supposingly good for oily skin and has lots of great reviews! So i just thought i'd give it a try.
Will update after one week, if i don't break out from that then i'll continue to use it! Hahahahas, i have like alot of skin products! Like, mostly use abit use abit only. Cos of my damn sensitive skin lah! Waste my $$$. @#$%^
Boyf bought me a Baby pink Nintendo DS lite! Daaaaamn happy. :D
He said that'll be my anniversary gift! Hahahahas. Super advance can, our 4th year anniversary is like in Sept! But i'm super happy anyhow, It's damn preeeeetty~
Went to Arab street today with boyf! He is damn annoying loh! You know, guys hands are damn rough one right, He purposely rub his hands damn hard against mine, and it was damn painful lah! So i use his right palm and keep rubbing against his left hand, And two tiny patches of his skin actually came off! :xxx Then he was like, oooooomg, i wanna take picture! I shall blog about it and show the world what an evil girl you are! Then become my fault already loh! When it's his big fat rough hands! =/
Went to the Egyptian Restaurant at Haji Lane for yummy kebabs. Picccccctures:
Spent like a hell lot of $$$ on Swarvoski crystals to bling up my DS lite! I'm like super nervous cos it's my 1st time trying to bling ANYTHING, and i obviously don't wanna do a scrappy job on my brand new damn chio DS lite!
Eyes going ga-ga after hours and hours of pasting the teeenie weenie crystals one by one.
Omg, it looks even better in real than in photos! Can't stop staring at it. Sooooo pretty! Boyf bling up his phone too. Hhahahaahahas
I know.. he's so girly! But i looooove, Imagine the both of us sitting together and so concentrated in blinging our previous gadgets perfectly.
The other day i went to a shoot organized by Esther, And she was like, oooh you look so classy with dark hair! Xiaoting thought i rebonded my hair somemore, Some people like the "unhealthy hair colour" some like my current dark red/black highlights hair!
I like both leeeeeeeh! Which one do you guys like more? :D
Yay, Going out with esther tomorrow! Shooooopping! Going to bed and do some reading now!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Juli: Thanks babe! :D Hahahas, no eyeliner? I will look like shit. Hahahahahas!
Passerby: Awwww, thanks for the compliment! Passery-by: Hahahahs, everybody's fighting to be mr/miss passerby! Some many thousand passerby-s in my blog!
Anony: Hahahs, Yup.
Anon: My dear ah, hahahs plus size model is UK size 12 and above leh. I'm a UK size 6-8. Hahahahas. Thanks for the compliment! (:
Bao: Hahahahs, must tell me! Hahahaahs Lol, can't expect me to bloat my head to fit the rest of my body right! Hahahas, wth.
Passerby: Hello, you're the 3rd passerby of today's post! Hahahahs, nope i'm from St Hildas Church.
Felicia: Woooolala. Get high and dance the whole night ok!
Chris: Hahahas, i did! And my marble cheesecake. Yums.
Yvette: Your name is so cool! How do you actually pronounce it?
Shasha: Hahahas, I'm still left with one big tub of charcott powder! my dear ah, Your link is like... wrong also? -.-
Passerby: You're passerby no.4 today! And thank you for your compliments! Hahahahs.
Wings: Hahahas, you very funny hor. So long nvr comer SHC! Disappearing act ah.
Sher: Lol, where got look murderous! He so cute loh. Bleah *stick tongue out* Hahahaha!
Min: Hahahahas, are you attached? If attached, confirm boyf will have plans for you right!
Anon7723: Eh.. i'll try to do it on my next post?
I'm daaaaamn shagged! I slept for like 5 hours last night? It's all somebody's fault! Heheheh
Anyway, I had a commercial shoot today! They needed a japanese looking model to shoot in a japanese uniform! So i arrived at the photographer's condo at Grange road, Near Tanglin.
The taxi drive got lost again and he circle me round after round in the stupid cab for so long then he found the place! Walao eh, Why am i so sway?! Everytime got shoot, etc. I always kena this kinda taxi driver who always get lost and bring me round and round. @#$%^&*
Arrived at 5pm for makeup and styling. (Heng not late ah!) The photographer's condo is daaaaamn big caaaaaan. His toilet is like the size of my room. And my room is not exactly small also loh!
Anyway, After makeup we were whisked off to the car and headed for Japanese Garden for the shoot. Omg, the photographer got his own driver!
Overall the shoot was really relaxing. Wahahaha, all i had to do was act cute, make silly faces, jump around, sit around at the bridge and look at the tortises in the pond, pose with a TWIST sign.
LOL. Relaxed until i feel like sleeping! I saw like 2 squirrels while shooting! Kawaaaaaii!
See! I still got time to camwhore during the shoot! Shiooooooooook.
Oh wells, after like 1 hour? We headed back to the condo. His condo is his home/studio.
And we spent like 30mins in the car travelling back to his condo, and i fell asleep loh! So freaking tired! He wasn't talking to me mar, so busy playing games on his iphone. :x
and the makeup artist was waiting for us back at the condo, did some studio shots of me in another jappy uniform, And i changed into office wear, MUA freshen up my makeup and we did some really interesting shots. Hahahaha, so fun!
And after the whole shoot ended, photographer's maid served me pasta! Hahahahas. wth, i heard from the MUA later on, that the driver chauffeurs the maid to go to the market one loh! Maid so good life loh! o.0"
Monday, Went out with one of the model, Sophia whom i got to know at the keppel event. Was a really last min thing, and she was really steady to come meet me right after school!
I was damn paiseh i tell you! Me and my goldfish memory lah, walao.
We walked into Sushi Tei, And i immediately found the guy who was serving us damn familiar. But i just can't can't can't can't rmb where i knew him from. Then i was like staring at him, and him staring back at me.
Me: "I know you somewhere right?! Omg, where ah.." Him: (Trying not to laugh, but looked at me and kept quiet.) Me: " Omg, i cannot remember. Wahh fuck.." Him: (Breaks into a mad round of laughter) Me: " Erm, MDIS...? (i continued and said a whole list of place i could've known him from) Him: " Walao! MDIS LAH! "
Daaaaamn xia sway lar! Omigosh, How can i not recognize my own classmate?!
I had this!
And we went shopping after lunch, I so so so couldn't resist it and i bought this! Omg the casing is soooooo hot.
M.A.C Heatherette Trio
...And i so so so love the colours!
cAnd i bought a top, a knee length socks for today's shoot, royce nutty chocolate for boyf, and a M.A.C VivaGlam lipstick for mummy.
Ok, I shall end this post very abruptly. I wanna go to bed and reeeeeead a novel already! Tmr's the filming of Blogger's Sweets with Nadnut & Jayden. I'm supeeeeer excited. What should i weaaaaar? Blah. Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (: